Anxiety, CO2 tolerance, and breath practice in high school students: Findings from a 6-week pilot program

A 6-week slow-breathing program was developed and administered to 26 10th-12th grade students in 2 health/physical education classes. Three times/week, a health/physical education teacher led students through 5 minutes of 5-second inhales, 5-second breath holds, 10-second exhales, and 5-second breath holds.

After 6 weeks, trait, or general, anxiety scores were significantly improved across all students. State, or in-the-moment, anxiety and tolerance to carbon dioxide improved immediately following the breathing exercises in most weeks. Prospective studies are warranted to confirm the potential benefits of simple, low-cost approaches such as these towards ending the stress-management crisis among today’s youth.

This program was featured as an article in Erie News Now, check it out here. See also the below videos to hear from a student and teacher about some of the program’s benefits.


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