Help us advance breath science through community and collaboration.

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  • Join our ambassador program

    HHPF Ambassadors are a dynamic group committed to advancing the HHPF mission. They forge connections to the cause and work with like-minded individuals to drive impact. Their objectives include fostering community engagement, raising funds for HHPF, and educating both the Ambassador network and the general public about the mission.

  • Engage on our social platforms

    Engage with HHPF and amplify our mission by promoting us on Instagram and other social media platforms. Like, comment, and share our posts to reach individuals interested in breath science, supporters eager to donate or fundraise, and research scientists seeking collaboration opportunities with HHPF.

  • Get in touch

    We are eager to connect with academic researchers interested in collaborating on breath science studies and donors looking to sponsor research. Join us in making a meaningful impact and address the challenges we tackle at HHPF. Your involvement matters—let’s start a conversation!